Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 5:Leona Gorge / madelbrot

Today we went to Leona Gorge hiking it was rough on the way but in the end it was all worth it because i felt that i accomplish something that was difficult for me also the sights that it has was beautiful. But before we went to our hike we were in class zooming in on a photo and seeing that in each pattern that we zoom in there always an other pattern that continues forever
Before we left for are hike we zoom in into a pattern as I was zooming in I found this pattern, a spiral pattern that keep repeating itself as much as i zoom in there was still the same pattern. Also the pattern had order in a irregular pattern.
As my fellow classmates and I was hiking up a trial we found this small dig in cave that had water inside it was cool to see something like that if you look carefully the drops water cause to send waves that make self-similar waves of itself.When we arrive on top of the hike i saw this flower sticking out of a pile dead flowers, It pretty cool also in the middle of the flower the seed are self-similar. also the background of the flower is in a irregular pattern.After we finish the hiking trial we went of to garden where I found this flower I think is cool because all the flowers are similar to each other also the flower seed are also similar.

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